Word & Web

Founded in 2016

2 - 9 members in team

updated October 19, 2023

Vermont; Plainfield

Speaks English

EST, EDT time zone(s)


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About Word & Web

Since its inception in 2016, Word & Web, nestled in the scenic locales of Montpelier and Plainfield, Vermont, has made its mark as a foremost player in the domain of web development and digital marketing. With enriched experience drawn from 30+ successful projects and encashing our strong foothold on platforms like Wordpress, Shopify and diverse Ad platforms, we stand tall among the best in the industry, particularly so in Vermont. Our expertise isn’t confined to just designing visually appealing websites, but encompasses a broader spectacle – redesigning, troubleshooting, and an unmatched maintenance support. Our adeptness in tech is consolidated with our prowess in the marketing realm. We are effectively engaging with audiences through tailored Facebook Ads, Google Ads and employing optimized SEO tactics. Word & Web prides itself on its unique blend of tech-savvy solutions and trendsetting marketing strategies that have been consistently powering digital growth for our clients. In a nutshell, our prowess in web development combined with insightful digital marketing makes us an ideal partner in your digital journey.

List of Services Provided

Service Name
Experience Level
Related Reviews
Starting From
Web development in Vermont
30+ projects completed

The team is working in those

Locations and Time Zones

Vermont, Plainfield

EST, EDT time zone

Speaks English

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