Splash Digital Ltd

Founded in 2018

2 - 9 members in team

updated October 19, 2023

New York; Auckland

Speaks English, Maori

New York - EST Auckland, New Zealand - NZDT time zone(s)


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About Splash Digital Ltd

At Splash Digital Ltd, we specialize in creating high-performance ecommerce platforms for businesses of all sizes. Established in 2018, we've delivered over 50 successful projects and have grown to become one of the top Magento development companies in New York, with additional headquarters in Auckland, New Zealand. Our approach caters to both B2B and DTC ecommerce enterprises, providing them with strategic growth solutions for the NZ market and beyond. Regardless of whether you're a straight retail D2C business, a bricks and mortar establishment, or an organization balancing a mix of B2B lead generation and online sales, our experienced team offers a tailored approach to meet your distinct needs. We focus on creating genuine messaging and brand experiences that resonate with your customers, transforming the buying process into an easy and frictionless journey. Our comprehensive suite of services covers everything from strategic ecommerce growth strategies and solid technology platform choices, to digital marketing and data analytics. Plus, as a Hubspot Partner, we offer sales and marketing automation assistance. Transparent, honest, and approachable, we at Splash Digital Ltd, thrive on bringing your digital dreams to life. Looking for real business growth? Get in touch! Let's shape the future of your ecommerce journey together.

List of Services Provided

Service Name
Experience Level
Related Reviews
Starting From
Magento development in New York
50+ projects completed

The team is working in those

Locations and Time Zones

New York, Auckland

New York - EST Auckland, New Zealand - NZDT time zone

Speaks English, Maori

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