Slalom Build

Founded in 2001

1,000 - 9,999 members in team

updated October 19, 2023

Toronto; Seattle

Speaks English, French

Toronto: EST Seattle, United States: PST time zone(s)


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About Slalom Build

Meet Slalom Build, established in 2001, a game-changer in the IT sector that's exceptionally proud to hail from Toronto, and touch base in Seattle, United States. We're not just any AI development company; we've risen above and beyond to redefine the traditional notion of consulting, churning out 10+ extraordinary projects in the process. With us, you'll experience genuine partnership; we meet you right where you are – geographically and strategically – and work side-by-side with you at your rhythm. Our unique combination of superior design, excellent product engineering, deep analytics, and state-of-the-art automation paves the way for the innovative technology products of tomorrow. At Slalom Build, we build for the future - and we're thrilled to have you journey with us.

List of Services Provided

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Experience Level
Related Reviews
Starting From
AI Development in Toronto
10+ projects completed

The team is working in those

Locations and Time Zones

Toronto, Seattle

Toronto: EST Seattle, United States: PST time zone

Speaks English, French

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