PK Group

Founded in 2003

50 - 249 members in team

updated October 19, 2023

London; Richmond

Speaks English,

London: GMT Richmond, United Kingdom: GMT time zone(s)


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About PK Group

Established in 2003, PK Group, headquartered in Richmond, United Kingdom, has cemented its reputation as one of London's best Drupal Development Consulting Companies. With a diverse team of experts spanning accounting, tax advising, financial planning, and wealth management, we’ve successfully delivered 50+ projects that helped both individuals and businesses meet and exceed their financial goals. As we fulfill our vision of being a leading holistic financial solutions provider, our services extend to specialist accounting, tax, employee benefits and strategic services for start-ups and growing businesses. Furthermore, from navigating complex financial situations to devising retirement plans, our advisors are dedicated to providing expert guidance every step of the way. Committed to creating long-lasting client relationships, we have used our financial experience and expertise to ensure not just growth but the protection of your business, income, and wealth. So, whether you are in London, Kent, Surrey or anywhere in the UK, with PK Group, consider your financial goals as good as achieved.

List of Services Provided

Service Name
Experience Level
Related Reviews
Starting From
Drupal development consulting in London
50+ projects completed

The team is working in those

Locations and Time Zones

London, Richmond

London: GMT Richmond, United Kingdom: GMT time zone

Speaks English,

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