Lihan Technologies

Founded in 2017

10 - 49 members in team

updated October 19, 2023

San Francisco; Foster City

Speaks San Francisco, Foster City, United States

PDT, PST time zone(s)


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About Lihan Technologies

Established in the tech-savvy hub of San Francisco in 2017, Lihan Technologies quickly gained a reputation as one of the city's best Magento development companies. Boasting an impressive resume of over 20 successful projects, this trailblazing IT firm fuses deep industry knowledge with creativity to provide game-changing software development solutions. This ain't your regular IT firm, folks. Nestled between the energetic heart of San Francisco and the innovative spirit of Foster City, our headquarters is not just a workspace; it's a think tank where breakthrough solutions are brewed. Whether it's enterprise software development, impeccable user experience, or round-the-clock tech support, we've got you covered. Bracing the true essence of collaboration, we focus not merely on delivering solutions, but on fueling business transformation. With Lihan Technologies, you're not just getting a service, you're getting a partner committed to your success. It's more than IT -- it's IT made personal. And that's the Lihan Technologies difference.

List of Services Provided

Service Name
Experience Level
Related Reviews
Starting From
Magento development in San Francisco
20+ projects completed
Software development in California
20+ projects completed

The team is working in those

Locations and Time Zones

San Francisco, Foster City

PDT, PST time zone

Speaks San Francisco, Foster City, United States

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