
Founded in 2009

2 - 9 members in team

updated October 19, 2023

UAE; New York

Speaks Arabic, English

UAE - GST New York, United States - EST time zone(s)


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About Lickability

Established in 2009, Lickability is a prominent player in the game development arena with headquarters in UAE and New York, USA. Having tackled over 10 noteworthy projects, this vibrant software studio is renowned for its meticulous design ethos that puts users at the heart of every app. From start-ups to Fortune 500 companies, we are committed to crafting bespoke iOS and Android apps that resonate with millions. Our ingenious design strategies, well-tested code and inclusive accessibilities have been celebrated on the App Store multiple times. At Lickability, our diverse team blends years of expertise to bring your remarkable ideas to life, making us one of the best Game Development Companies in the UAE. Let's create something extraordinary together.

Aggregate Rating

overall review rating
4.9 / 5
Schedule (Timing)
4.9 / 5
4.9 / 5
Willing to Refer
4.9 / 5

List of Services Provided

Service Name
Experience Level
Related Reviews
Starting From
Game Development in UAE
10+ projects completed
Android App Development in New York
10+ projects completed
Game Development in Vancouver
10+ projects completed
Android Game Development
10+ projects completed
IOS Game Development
10+ projects completed
Game art outsourcing
10+ projects completed
Casual Game Development
10+ projects completed
PC development
10+ projects completed
Console development
10+ projects completed
Cloud Game Development
10+ projects completed
Game porting
10+ projects completed
HTML Game Development
10+ projects completed
Live Game Operation
10+ projects completed

The team is working in those

Locations and Time Zones

UAE, New York

UAE - GST New York, United States - EST time zone

Speaks Arabic, English

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