Lemington Consulting

Founded in 2002

10 - 49 members in team

updated October 19, 2023

Miami; Jacksonville

Speaks English, Spanish

EST, EDT time zone(s)


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About Lemington Consulting

Established in 2002, with its offices in vibrant tech hubs like Miami and Jacksonville, Lemington Consulting stands as a leading force in the realm of mobile app development. As a CMO with a decade-long tenure in the IT sector, I confidently affirm that we're amongst the best mobile app development companies in Miami. Over the years, we've successfully delivered 50+ exceptional projects and have gained international acclaim for our innovation and rigor. We are committed to designing and developing high-quality, innovative IT solutions which have been acknowledged widely, bagging us titles like ‘Best Enterprise Software Consulting Company (USA)’ and ‘Florida's Best IT Consultancy.’ We’ve also been recognized as one of the '20 Most Promising Enterprise Software Consulting Companies' in the U.S. by CIO Review magazine. We relentlessly strive to serve our domestic and international customers better, fostering an innovative culture that breeds unique and valuable solutions, enhancing our clients' organizations by creating value, efficiencies, and ensuring greater security. Our unyielding commitment to quality and customer-focus separates us from the rest, and this legacy of ours is our strength. Partner with us to experience transformational IT solutions that drive growth and success.

List of Services Provided

Service Name
Experience Level
Related Reviews
Starting From
Mobile App Development in Miami
50+ projects completed

The team is working in those

Locations and Time Zones

Miami, Jacksonville

EST, EDT time zone

Speaks English, Spanish

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