EGLogics Softech Private Limited

Founded in 2013

50 - 249 members in team

updated October 19, 2023

Liverpool; Lancashire

Speaks English, Scouse

Liverpool - GMT Lancashire, United Kingdom - GMT time zone(s)


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About EGLogics Softech Private Limited

Established in 2013, EGLogics Softech Private Limited has truly set the benchmark as one of the best Shopify development companies in Liverpool. Located at the heart of Lancashire in the UK, we are proud to have powered 10+ success stories with our cutting-edge IT solutions. With a deep understanding of the myriad businesses, we offer unparalleled expertise in eCommerce, custom Web Applications, and SEO. As pioneers in Web Design and Development with more than 950 successful projects under our wing, we are driven by a commitment to create user experiences that amplify your brand and accelerate your company's growth. Our proven methodologies, business domain knowledge, and superior technology skills merge to deliver high-quality solutions at every juncture. At EGLogics, we are more than just an IT service provider, we are your partners in carving your digital future.

List of Services Provided

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Experience Level
Related Reviews
Starting From
Shopify development in Liverpool
10+ projects completed

The team is working in those

Locations and Time Zones

Liverpool, Lancashire

Liverpool - GMT Lancashire, United Kingdom - GMT time zone

Speaks English, Scouse

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