CP Jones Consulting LLC

Founded in 2020

2 - 9 members in team

updated October 19, 2023

USA; Sacramento

Speaks English, Spanish

PST time zone(s)


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About CP Jones Consulting LLC

Established in 2020, CP Jones Consulting LLC is one of the best Drupal development companies in the USA, leading the market with over 20 successful projects to our name. Headquartered in Sacramento, our company emanates from the heart of American innovation—Silicon Valley—and leverages the vast expertise of our leader and Certified Professional Coach, Candace Jones. With 15 years of experience in Corporate America under her belt, Candace offers strategic clarity, operational excellence, and results-driven solutions for entrepreneurs, startups, and small businesses alike. Drawing from her unique "empathetic optimization" strategy, she aligns business goals with human needs, driving outcomes in sales, adoption, and wellness. At CP Jones Consulting LLC, our blend of management science, business administration, and operations management deliver unmatched results for our clients. Our specialisms aren't confined to consulting—we're also passionate writers, regularly sharing insightful content that spans life hacks to future of work trends. Noted for our casual tone of voice, comedic twist, and, quite frankly, our Black ass common sense, we strive for originality. And, with Candace's Stanford roots grounding our working philosophy, you can expect outstanding quality from CP Jones Consulting LLC.

List of Services Provided

Service Name
Experience Level
Related Reviews
Starting From
Drupal development in USA
20+ projects completed
Web Development in USA
20+ projects completed
Web development in USA
20+ projects completed
AI Development in USA
20+ projects completed

The team is working in those

Locations and Time Zones

USA, Sacramento

PST time zone

Speaks English, Spanish

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