Conscious Collab

Founded in 2023

2 - 9 members in team

updated October 19, 2023

Barcelona; København

Speaks Spanish, Danish

Barcelona - CEST København, Denmark - CEST time zone(s)


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About Conscious Collab

Established in 2023, Conscious Collab remarkably escalates as one of the visionary sustainability proponents in the fashion industry with roots planted firmly in Barcelona and København (Denmark). With a boastful portfolio of over 20 astoundingly successful projects, our novel enterprise is deeply ingrained in ethical practices while we passionately deliver top-notch branding services. Our primary motive remains a relentless pursuit of creating a sustainable future, and we materialize this through intensive consultancy services, experimental workshops, and avant-garde design development initiatives. Our modus operandi celebrates the human factor, shifting focus from profit to people; we build, grow, and foster relationships to encapsulate a work ethos that humanizes ‘business’. Beyond our consultancy repertoire, Conscious Collab shines in design development, offering comprehensive solutions from conceptualizing to production, working in tandem with client vision. Not only do we extend our expertise from fashion design to graphic design and virtual fashion, but we also ensure to package these innovative, eco-friendly solutions with professional e-commerce product presentation. As Conscious Collab, we position ourselves as a transformative partner for fashion brands aspiring to make a global difference, bridging sustainability with industry through our inter-sectional feminist and client-centred approach.

List of Services Provided

Service Name
Experience Level
Related Reviews
Starting From
Barcelona Branding Services
20+ projects completed

The team is working in those

Locations and Time Zones

Barcelona, København

Barcelona - CEST København, Denmark - CEST time zone

Speaks Spanish, Danish

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