Clock Limited

Founded in 1997

10 - 49 members in team

updated October 19, 2023

Delhi; Sarratt

Speaks Hindi, English

Delhi: IST Sarratt, United Kingdom: GMT time zone(s)


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About Clock Limited

Established in 1997, Clock Limited is a renowned global tech and innovation firm, earnestly based in Delhi; Sarratt, United Kingdom. With more than 25 years in the business, we've successfully completed and delivered 800+ custom and bespoke projects for some of the world's most significant brands including News Corp, Barclays Bank, Epic and Riot Games among others. Leveraging our in-house squad of skilled UK & Europe-based developers, we specialize in creating full stack solutions, encompassing web and mobile development, custom software, and platform integration, ensuring optimal performance for over 400 million users globally. Furthermore, we hold a commanding reputation as the best WooCommerce website development company in Delhi, offering unique competitiveness and revenue-generating benefits for businesses. Our services extend to product ideation, service development, technical improvement, behavioural science, cloud solutions, brand positioning and more. If you need to tailor a solution to your specific business goals, Clock Limited creates beautiful, seamless and connected solutions to deliver them with precision. With projects stretching back to over a decade, our commitment to providing top-notch IT solutions remains unwavered. Email us your new project at [email protected] and see how we can help you leverage the digital landscape.

Aggregate Rating

overall review rating
4.9 / 5
Schedule (Timing)
4.9 / 5
4.9 / 5
Willing to Refer
4.9 / 5

List of Services Provided

Service Name
Experience Level
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Starting From
Woocommerce website development in Delhi
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Bigcommerce development in London
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Game Development in Dubai
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IOS Game Development
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Unity Game Development
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Casual Game Development
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VR Game Development
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Console development
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Nintendo Game Development
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PS4 Game Development
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Web Game Development
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HTML Game Development
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2D Game Development
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Desktop Development
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The team is working in those

Locations and Time Zones

Delhi, Sarratt

Delhi: IST Sarratt, United Kingdom: GMT time zone

Speaks Hindi, English

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