
Founded in 2009

10 - 49 members in team

updated October 19, 2023

Vancouver; Toronto

Speaks English, French

Vancouver: PST Toronto,Canada: EST time zone(s)


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About AppStudio

Since our establishment in 2009, AppStudio has soared to become one of the best Bigcommerce development companies based in Vancouver and Toronto. Leveraging over a decade of industry experience, our skillful team has completed 20+ projects that have accelerated digital transformation for various businesses, including startups, enterprises, SMEs and mid-size businesses. Our commitment to redefining mobile app development rules has led us to create cutting edge mobile apps, IoT platforms, blockchain solutions and more with a keen eye on robust, scalable technology stacks and user-centric UI/UX designs. With a track record of skyrocketing client success and generating over 100 million app downloads and $77 million in revenues, we have earned recognition as an industry leader by Clutch, along with a remarkable 94% customer satisfaction rate. Let's join forces to kickstart your digital revolution with AppStudio - where passion meets expertise.

Aggregate Rating

overall review rating
4.9 / 5
Schedule (Timing)
4.9 / 5
4.9 / 5
Willing to Refer
4.9 / 5

List of Services Provided

Service Name
Experience Level
Related Reviews
Starting From
Bigcommerce development in Vancouver
20+ projects completed
Android App Development in Australia
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Mobile App Development in Vancouver
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Game Development in Vancouver
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Casual Game Development
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Cloud Game Development
20+ projects completed
HTML Game Development
20+ projects completed

The team is working in those

Locations and Time Zones

Vancouver, Toronto

Vancouver: PST Toronto,Canada: EST time zone

Speaks English, French

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