Modern Tribe

Fundada en 2006

se unió a August 10, 2023


Habla English, Spanish

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Acerca Modern Tribe

Modern Tribe es una agencia digital innovadora que se especializa en la creación de sitios web y aplicaciones personalizadas para facilitar las conexiones con las comunidades. Somos un equipo de solucionadores de problemas que prosperan en abordar desafíos complejos y desarrollar soluciones digitales que tengan un impacto medible. En el intrincado panorama digital actual, las marcas necesitan navegar en diversas plataformas, como sitios web, aplicaciones, sistemas de marketing y redes sociales. Ya sea que necesite una nueva perspectiva sobre su estrategia digital o servicios integrales de diseño y desarrollo, estamos aquí para ayudarlo a conectar todos los puntos. Ofrecemos soluciones personalizadas adaptadas a las necesidades de su marca, incluidos sitios web empresariales, aplicaciones de software personalizadas, sistemas sin cabeza, API e integraciones personalizadas, complementos y plataformas de WordPress, redes multisite, aplicaciones móviles y web, experiencias de comercio electrónico y sistemas de diseño. Como agencia totalmente remota, hemos creado un ecosistema diseñado para colaborar más allá de los límites de un estudio tradicional. Atraemos talento de todo el mundo y formamos equipos integrados que complementan sus fortalezas. Nuestro enfoque proporciona transparencia en todos los aspectos de su proyecto, lo que nos convierte en un verdadero socio en la navegación de sus esfuerzos más ambiciosos y lo ayude a establecer una presencia digital sostenible para el futuro. Una de nuestras especialidades radica en empujar los límites de WordPress, creando implementaciones sólidas para las marcas. Ya sea que se trate de administrar enormes redes, manejar tráfico pesado, integrar sistemas complejos o desarrollar complementos personalizados, las marcas recurren a nosotros para inyectar capacidades empresariales en el sistema de gestión de contenido más fácil de usar del mundo o crear sus propios complementos únicos.

To empower individuals and organizations to thrive in the modern age by providing innovative and cutting-edge solutions that foster growth, connectivity, and collaboration. We strive to be the leading catalyst for digital transformation, helping our clients navigate the ever-evolving landscape of technology and harness its full potential for success. Our mission is to build a tribe of forward-thinking individuals and businesses, uniting them in their pursuit of progress, innovation, and sustainable growth. By delivering exceptional digital experiences and fostering strong relationships, we aim to revolutionize the way people connect, communicate, and create in the modern world.

To empower individuals and organizations with the tools and knowledge they need to thrive in the modern world. We strive to be a trusted partner in leveraging technology to drive innovation and growth. With a focus on building strong relationships and delivering exceptional results, we aim to make a positive and lasting impact on our clients, our team, and the communities we serve. Our mission is to be at the forefront of digital transformation, helping individuals and organizations adapt and thrive in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Customers should choose this company for their IT projects because it is based in the United States, ensuring high quality, reliable services and effective communication.

Clasificación agregada

calificación general de la revisión
Ver todo 4
5 / 5
Calendario (Timing)
5 / 5
5 / 5
Dispuesto a remitir
5 / 5

Modern Tribe Comentarios

Modern Tribe
Web Development
Calendario (Timing)
Dispuesto a remitir

I just wanted to take a moment to share my heartfelt appreciation for the remarkable work done by Modern Tribe..

It's not every day that you come across a team that not only meets their targets promptly but also manages to stay within the agreed budget..

What truly stood out to me was their transparent approach to challenges – they kept us in the loop every step of the way and proactively tackled any issues that cropped up. I must admit, the team's efficiency in handling Web Development tasks left us all astonished..

In a business landscape where finding partners you can truly rely on is like finding a needle in a haystack, Modern Tribe has proven time and again that they are the real deal – dependable, skilled, and dedicated.

Modern Tribe
Web Development
Calendario (Timing)
Dispuesto a remitir

Working with Modern Tribe was a pleasure..

Their expertise in Web Development is evident, and their proactive communication and problem-solving skills set them apart..

The project was executed seamlessly under their guidance..

Modern Tribe
Web Development
Calendario (Timing)
Dispuesto a remitir

We can't speak highly enough about Modern Tribe..

Their Web Development solutions have been a game-changer for us..

Their team's expertise and proactive approach set them apart..

They worked closely with us to understand our unique needs and provided solutions that aligned perfectly. The impact on our efficiency and bottom line has been remarkable. Their professionalism and dedication make them a reliable partner for any organization seeking top-tier Web Development services.

Modern Tribe
Web Development
Calendario (Timing)
Dispuesto a remitir

I had the best experience with the web developer Modern Tribe I hired..

From the beginning, their communication was proffessional and clear..

They finished their work in time and jn hightlevel.We really appriciate them and recommended for Web Development solutions!.

Lista de Services Proporcionado

Nombre de Servicio
Nivel de experiencia
Reseñas relacionadas
A partir de
Web Development
5 proyectos completado
$200,000 to $999,999

Lista de Industrias Proporcionado

Nombre de la industria
Nivel de experiencia
Reseñas relacionadas
A partir de
5 proyectos completado
$200,000 to $999,999

Clave Beneficios de trabajar con Modern Tribe

Working with Modern Tribe provides the benefits of receiving custom solutions for your brand, a seamless extension of your team regardless of location, and expertise in pushing the boundaries of WordPress to create powerful and user-friendly websites and applications.

Expertise in Developing Powerful WordPress Solutions for Enterprise Brands One of the benefits of working with Modern Tribe is their expertise in pushing the boundaries of WordPress. They specialize in the design and development of industrial-strength WordPress implementations, catering to brands that require enterprise capabilities within the user-friendly content management system. Whether it's building huge networks, handling heavy traffic, integrating complex systems, or creating custom plugins, Modern Tribe has the experience and knowledge to meet these challenges. By working with them, you can ensure that your website or application will have the power and functionality to meet your brand's specific needs. más información
Unleashing the Power of WordPress The second benefit of working with Modern Tribe is that they push the boundaries of WordPress. Modern Tribe specializes in the design and development of industrial-strength WordPress implementations. They have the expertise to handle huge networks, heavy traffic, complex integrations, and custom plugins. Brands seek them out when they want to inject enterprise capabilities into the world's most user-friendly content management system or launch their own custom plugins. With Modern Tribe, you can be confident that your WordPress site will have the power and functionality to meet your unique needs and exceed expectations. más información
Pushing the Boundaries of WordPress: Unlocking Enterprise Capabilities and Custom Plugins One of the key benefits of working with Modern Tribe is their expertise in pushing the boundaries of WordPress. They specialize in designing and developing industrial-strength WordPress implementations, making them the go-to choice for brands looking to inject enterprise capabilities into this user-friendly content management system. Whether it's building huge networks, handling heavy traffic, integrating complex systems, or creating custom plugins, Modern Tribe has the experience and knowledge to deliver exceptional results. Their ability to maximize the capabilities of WordPress sets them apart from other agencies and ensures that clients can leverage the full potential of this widely used platform. más información

El equipo está trabajando en esas

U y Hora Zonas


EST, CST, MST, PST, AKT, HST zona horaria

Habla English, Spanish


Qué Modern Tribe los clientes dicen

Comentarios Resumen

In analyzing the reviews for this company, we examined a total of five reviews from individuals in the education industry. Based on these reviews, it is clear that Modern Tribe is highly regarded for their work in website design and development.

In the education industry, Modern Tribe has received positive feedback for their ability to create visually stunning websites that effectively utilize relevant technologies. Their designs have been praised for their unique visual elements, making them stand out from the competition. Additionally, their project management style fosters a collaborative atmosphere that allows for effective communication and methodology.

One common theme among the reviews is Modern Tribe's understanding of brand guidelines and their ability to create layouts that are both engaging and accessible. They have been commended for their attention to detail and their ability to create refined content tools that are easy to use.

Furthermore, Modern Tribe has shown sensitivity to budgetary constraints and the ability to offer cost-effective features wherever possible. This demonstrates their commitment to delivering high-quality work while being mindful of financial considerations.

Timeliness and reliability are also highlighted in the reviews, with customers expressing satisfaction with Modern Tribe's ability to adhere to timelines and meet specific requirements. The company's emphasis on communication and transparency has resulted in websites that accurately reflect the values of their clients.

Overall, Modern Tribe has been highly praised for their work in website design and development within the education industry. Their ability to combine cutting-edge technologies with creative design elements has yielded visually appealing and user-friendly websites. Their commitment to effective communication, transparency, and flexibility has also contributed to their positive reputation.

Modern Tribe is a company that specializes in WordPress development and design projects for educational institutions. They have worked on various projects, including website redesigns, content transfers, and CMS transfers.

For a liberal arts university, Modern Tribe coordinated the redesign of the primary website to align with a campus-wide rebranding initiative. They worked with in-house designers to develop mock-ups before implementing the changes.

In another project for a university, Modern Tribe redesigned an outdated WordPress site, revamping the navigation and focusing on improving accessibility. They enhanced the user experience and followed defined design and technical specifications.

For a law school, Modern Tribe redesigned an outdated site and transferred it to WordPress. They collaborated on design and wireframes and guided the strategy for content automation through tagging and taxonomy relationships to ensure up-to-date sections of the site.

Additionally, Modern Tribe oversaw a CMS transfer from Drupal to WordPress for a private high school. They added a calendar feature and custom widgets to improve usability and functionality.

In a specific project for a law school, Modern Tribe migrated 12,000 pages of legacy content to two WordPress sites as part of a larger engagement. They also built a third website and added and featured content on it.

The budgets for these projects are kept confidential, except for the web dev projects for a law school, which had a budget ranging from $200,000 to $999,999.

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