
Fundada en 2015

se unió a August 10, 2023


Habla Ukrainian, Russian

EET, FET, MSK zona(s) horaria(s)


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Acerca Mgroup

Mgroup es un equipo de buena reputación de profesionales de Shopify que son reconocidos en la plataforma de Expertos de Shopify. Ofrecemos servicios integrales de desarrollo de ciclo completo que se personalizan para satisfacer sus necesidades y objetivos únicos. Nuestra experiencia cubre todos los aspectos del comercio electrónico, incluida la configuración, personalización, mantenimiento y optimización para su tienda Shopify. Con nuestra amplia experiencia trabajando con Shopify, estamos dedicados a mantenernos por delante de las tendencias de la industria y las mejores prácticas. Esto asegura que pueda mantenerse competitivo en el panorama de comercio electrónico en constante evolución. Nuestros servicios clave incluyen el desarrollo de tiendas y mercados de Shopify, la creación de aplicaciones de Shopify privadas y públicas para mejorar su funcionalidad comercial, actualizar temas con widgets y características personalizados, integrar aplicaciones de Shopify existentes y socios externos, y utilizar un desarrollo sin cabeza para una experiencia de usuario sin problemas. También proporcionamos soporte posterior al lanzamiento, ofreciendo asistencia con CSS y cambios de estilo, soporte de diseño, recomendaciones de características continuas y servicios de desarrollo a pedido. Además, nos especializamos en optimizar los sitios web de comercio electrónico para maximizar su potencial. A lo largo de nuestros más de 5 años de especialización, hemos completado con éxito numerosos proyectos de comercio electrónico de complejidad variable, desde configuraciones simples de tiendas hasta intrincadas integraciones. Confíe en Mgroup para construir una presencia en línea sólida para su empresa utilizando el poder de Shopify.

To empower individuals and businesses in Ukraine with innovative and effective solutions, leveraging our expertise in digital marketing and technology to drive growth, enhance online presence, and create meaningful connections with their target audience. We are dedicated to delivering exceptional results through strategic planning, insightful analytics, and creative content strategies, ensuring our clients stay ahead in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Our mission is to be the trusted partner that enables Ukrainian businesses to thrive in the digital age, pushing boundaries, and achieving measurable success.

To empower businesses in Ukraine through our comprehensive range of digital marketing services, enabling them to thrive in the ever-evolving global market. Our mission is to deliver top-notch copywriting and content writing solutions that combine both SEO and conversational optimization to help our clients achieve their online marketing goals. By staying at the forefront of digital marketing trends and utilizing innovative strategies, we aim to maximize our clients' online presence, increase their brand awareness, and drive measurable results. Through our commitment to excellence and our dedication to providing exceptional customer service, we strive to establish long-lasting partnerships that contribute to the success and growth of businesses across Ukraine.

Customers should choose this company for their IT projects in Ukraine because it offers highly skilled and cost-effective IT professionals, combined with a rich technological and educational ecosystem.

Clasificación agregada

calificación general de la revisión
Ver todo 5
5 / 5
Calendario (Timing)
5 / 5
5 / 5
Dispuesto a remitir
5 / 5

Mgroup Comentarios

Application Development Services
Calendario (Timing)
Dispuesto a remitir

Our partnership with Mgroup for Application Development Services solutions was a revelation..

Their team's dedication to perfection, innovative approach, and ability to turn ideas into reality were truly impressive..

Ecommerce Development
Calendario (Timing)
Dispuesto a remitir

We are thrilled with the outcomes achieved through Mgroup's Ecommerce Development solutions..

Their team's expertise and dedication to quality have transformed our processes and operations..

From the initial stages of understanding our needs to the final delivery, their professionalism and attention to detail were commendable..

Our business is now more efficient and agile, thanks to their innovative solutions. Mgroup is undoubtedly a partner we'll continue to collaborate with for our Ecommerce Development needs.

Application Development Services
Calendario (Timing)
Dispuesto a remitir

The Mgroup team's expertise in Application Development Services is unparalleled..

Their meticulous attention to detail and transparent communication made the project execution smooth and productive..

We look forward to future collaborations..

Ecommerce Development
Calendario (Timing)
Dispuesto a remitir

Our experience with Mgroup has been exceptional..

Their Ecommerce Development solutions have revolutionized our operations, saving us time and resources..

Their team's ability to grasp complex requirements and deliver tailor-made solutions is truly impressive..

They communicated effectively throughout the project, ensuring we were aligned at every step. We're incredibly satisfied with the results achieved and highly recommend Mgroup to anyone seeking transformative Ecommerce Development services.

Ecommerce Development
Calendario (Timing)
Dispuesto a remitir

Our partnership with Mgroup has been instrumental in achieving our goals..

Their Ecommerce Development solutions have been a catalyst for positive change in our operations..

Their team's dedication to delivering innovative and tailored solutions is commendable..

They engaged with us closely to understand our challenges and provided solutions that have exceeded our expectations. We're grateful for their commitment to quality, which is reflected in the results we've achieved together.

Lista de Services Proporcionado

Nombre de Servicio
Nivel de experiencia
Reseñas relacionadas
A partir de
Ecommerce Development
8 proyectos completado
$50,000 to $199,999
Application Development Services
3 proyectos completado
Less than $10,000

Lista de Industrias Proporcionado

Nombre de la industria
Nivel de experiencia
Reseñas relacionadas
A partir de
3 proyectos completado
$10,000 to $49,999
Beauty & Cosmetics
1 proyecto completado
Less than $10,000
1 proyecto completado
Less than $10,000
IT Services
2 proyectos completado
$50,000 to $199,999
1 proyecto completado
$10,000 to $49,999
Chemicals & Biotechnology
1 proyecto completado
$10,000 to $49,999
2 proyectos completado
Less than $10,000

Clave Beneficios de trabajar con Mgroup

Working with Mgroup, you can benefit from their team of officially trusted Shopify professionals who provide comprehensive full-cycle development services tailored to meet your unique needs, keeping up with the latest trends and best practices in the industry to help you stay ahead of the competition.

Unlocking Your Business Potential: Harnessing the Expertise and Experience of Mgroup's Trusted Shopify Professionals One of the key benefits of working with Mgroup is their team of officially trusted Shopify professionals. Mgroup is recognized on the Shopify Experts platform for their expertise and proficiency in working with Shopify. This recognition ensures that you are partnering with a team that has the necessary skills and knowledge to provide comprehensive full-cycle development services tailored to meet your unique needs and objectives. Whether it's setting up and customizing your Shopify store, ongoing maintenance and optimization, or integrating with third-party partners, Mgroup's team of experts can handle all areas of e-commerce. Additionally, with their extensive experience and commitment to staying up-to-date with industry trends and best practices, you can rely on Mgroup to help you stay ahead of the competition in the ever-evolving world of e-commerce. más información
Benefit 2: Extensive Experience and Up-to-Date Expertise in Shopify Development. One of the key benefits of working with Mgroup is their extensive experience and expertise working with Shopify. As officially trusted Shopify professionals, they are recognized on the Shopify Experts platform and have a deep understanding of the platform's capabilities. Their comprehensive full-cycle development services are tailored to meet each client's unique needs and objectives, covering all areas of e-commerce from setup and customization to ongoing maintenance and optimization. With their commitment to staying ahead of the competition by keeping up with the latest trends and best practices in the industry, you can trust Mgroup to deliver a solid online presence for your business based on Shopify. más información
The Third Benefit: Expertise and Experience in Shopify Development for a Solid Online Presence One of the major benefits of working with Mgroup is their extensive experience with Shopify. As a team of officially trusted Shopify professionals recognized on the Shopify Experts platform, they have been working with Shopify for more than 5 years. This means that they have a deep understanding of the platform and are well-versed in its best practices and latest trends. By choosing to work with Mgroup, you can be confident that you are partnering with experts who can help you stay ahead of the competition and build a solid online presence for your business based on Shopify. Whether you need help with store setup, customization, ongoing maintenance, or optimization, their comprehensive full-cycle development services are tailored to meet your unique needs and objectives. más información

El equipo está trabajando en esas

U y Hora Zonas


EET, FET, MSK zona horaria

Habla Ukrainian, Russian


Qué Mgroup los clientes dicen

Comentarios Resumen

Based on the existing reviews, I analyzed 11 reviews for Mgroup. Here is a summary of the reviews by reviewer industry:

1. Software: Mgroup successfully created a fully redesigned store from scratch. The team had a high level of expertise, consistently supplied useful suggestions, and was dedicated to the project. The team was a reliable and responsive partner, and the client looks forward to their next collaboration with Mgroup.

2. Software: The end client is happy with Mgroup’s quality work. The site is fully functional and has helped the client attract more customers. The team acts like a true partner and is open to feedback. Additionally, they manage the project excellently, communicate well, and stick to timelines and budget.

3. Beauty & Cosmetics: Mgroup delivered a well-designed and intuitive website with diverse payment options, which customers loved. As a result, the company's traffic and sales doubled in record time. The team remarkably collaborated through Slack, Jira, and GitHub. Overall, they were dedicated, flexible, and reliable.

4. Design: Mgroup delivers as promised and has executed the initial deliverables as warranted. The client praises them for being pixel perfect and great. The most notable thing about them is their ability to follow deadlines and project hourly estimates.

5. Software: The team impressed with their high-quality development skills and the ability to complete all deliverables according to agreed-upon deadlines. While additional communication touchpoints are desired, MGroup was often able to finish tasks ahead of schedule, moving the project along seamlessly.

6. IT Services: The company was happy with the team's performance as they completed their tasks on time and on budget for most of them. The team was also quick to resolve any bugs they found in the system. The company appreciated the team's flexibility in accommodating the project.

7. Construction: Mgroup delivered a user-friendly, convenient site on time and with all the guidelines on how the client could use it effectively. The vendor impressed the client with their speed, responsiveness, work quality, and attentiveness to detail. They also communicated and managed the project effectively.

8. Chemicals & Biotechnology: Mgroup's work left the client highly satisfied with the user-friendly and manageable final product. The team's efficiency, timely delivery of quality outputs, proactive approach, and valuable e-commerce expertise contributed to the project's success, earning their appreciation and trust.

9. Retail: The Mgroup team ultimately delivered a high-quality output much to the delight of the client. The stakeholders were impressed with how the team works with agility. The team was also highly responsive and receptive to feedback and client queries.

10. IT Services: MGroup was successful in producing Shopify-based websites. The client reported a whopping $500,000 worth of transactions were processed from the site. The team was communicative and responsive throughout the engagement.

11. Retail: MGroup is responsive, quick, and collaborative. Their team successfully managed the project and provided development. Their time estimation could've been better, but otherwise, the project ran smoothly.

In summary, Mgroup has received positive feedback from various industries, including software, beauty & cosmetics, design, IT services, construction, chemicals & biotechnology, and retail. They have consistently delivered high-quality work, exceeded expectations, met deadlines, maintained excellent communication, and provided reliable and responsive customer service. The clients appreciate Mgroup's expertise, flexibility, and ability to effectively manage projects. Overall, Mgroup has built a strong reputation in the industry.

MGroup is a company that specializes in Shopify design and integration for various clients. Their average budgets typically range from $10,000 to $49,999, although they also work on projects with budgets below $10,000 and up to $199,999.

Some of their projects include developing custom Shopify stores for software development and consulting companies, e-commerce companies, health and beauty stores, window and door installation firms, and eco clothing manufacturers. They also provide ongoing web development services for a sports tech firm, a software development company, an Amazon seller, an IT development company, and a footwear startup.

MGroup's services encompass website design, development, and support, and they utilize technologies such as React, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create visually appealing and functional Shopify websites. They also assist with UI/UX design, software development tasks, and the integration of various applications into the Shopify sites, such as reviews, payments, promotional features, and contact forms.

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