Cobit Solutions

Fundada en 2017

se unió a September 21, 2023

Denver, Colorado

Habla English, Russian, Ukrainian

EET,PST,EST zona(s) horaria(s)


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Acerca Cobit Solutions

Cobit Solutions es una compañía que se especializa en proporcionar una gama de servicios relacionados con la inteligencia empresarial (BI) y el análisis de datos. La compañía fue fundada por Dmytro Chashnyk, quien inicialmente creó un sistema de análisis interactivo utilizando Power BI para sus propias necesidades comerciales. Este sistema demostró ser altamente efectivo para tomar decisiones informadas y aumentar las ganancias de la compañía. Con el tiempo, Cobit Solutions se convirtió en una rama dedicada de los negocios, combinando TI y experiencia financiera.

Our mission is driven by a commitment to excellence in both IT and financial knowledge, ensuring that we not only speak the language of business but also provide innovative solutions that drive success. Through our expertise in Power BI and business intelligence, we aim to be the trusted partner that businesses rely on for turning data into actionable intelligence, ultimately helping them thrive in an increasingly data-centric world.

Cobit Solutions' core values are excellence, innovation, integrity, collaboration, and customer-centricity. We prioritize delivering high-quality, innovative solutions while fostering a culture of integrity and client collaboration.

Choose Cobit Solutions for unparalleled data expertise and a client-centric approach. Our commitment to innovation and proven results ensures your business stays ahead in the data-driven world.

Clasificación agregada

calificación general de la revisión
5 / 5
Calendario (Timing)
4 / 5
5 / 5
Dispuesto a remitir
5 / 5

Clave Beneficios de trabajar con Cobit Solutions

Cobit Solutions not only delivers valuable services but also exemplifies the success that can result from innovative problem-solving.

Expertise in Interactive Analytics Cobit Solutions specializes in interactive analytics, initially developed by founder Dmytro Chashnyk to address the need for real-time monitoring and precise analysis of vast data sets. This expertise enables them to provide clients with valuable insights and data-driven solutions más información
Power BI Integration for Informed Decision-Making Cobit Solutions relies on Power BI, a powerful analytics tool which facilitate real-time data visualization and analysis. This integration empowers their clients to make informed decisions quickly, leveraging the capabilities of Power BI for enhanced business performance. más información
Fusion of IT and Financial Expertise Cobit Solutions stands out as a fusion of IT and financial knowledge. Their team boasts project managers with extensive financial experience and skilled IT developers. This unique combination enables them to effectively bridge the gap between technology and business, ensuring that their solutions align with the financial goals and language of their clients. más información

El equipo está trabajando en esas

U y Hora Zonas

Denver, Colorado

EET,PST,EST zona horaria

Habla English, Russian, Ukrainian

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